Our News
Exciting News!
Join us in celebrating our students Gio and Zoe as they share their experience on the Kelly Clarkson show with NY Sunworks Executive Director Manuela Zamora.

P.S. 380's Debate Team wins first place in the District 14 Elementary School Debate, tieing with the Arbor school. Congratulations to all who particpated.
November, 2022

Thank you to The Hort for partnering with us this school year and for our fruit and vegetable market bags.

Parent Yoga with Brooklyn North's Lauren Levin!

School Hours & Procedures
Arrival Procedures
Cafeteria Breakfast Program
Monday-Friday, 7:30-7:50am
(For K-5 Students Only!)
****Middleton Street-Breakfast Door****
3-K & Pre-K students will enjoy breakfast
in class at 8:00am.
Regular School Day
Monday-Friday, 8:00am-2:20pm
After 8:00am, Students are LATE.
As a courtesy, we will begin giving late passes at 8:10am
for all students at the Middleton Street Breakfast Door.
Dismissal Procedures
Exit 1 – Kindergarten
Exit 2 – Grade 2, H319, 419, 429, 439, 449, 459
Exit 4 – 3K, PreK & Grade 1
Exit 5 – Grades 3, 4, 5

Uniform Policy
P.S. 380 has a mandated uniform policy in accordance with the Chancellor’s
Regulation A-665. Therefore, all students are required to be dressed in full school uniform on a daily basis
(except gym days/special events). As per the Chancellor’s Regulation A-665, failure to comply with this
policy will result in disciplinary action. Students who do not dress in complete uniforms on a daily basis will
not be permitted to participate in special activities/events. Parents/guardians of students who do not comply
with P.S. 380’s dress code will be notified to meet with a school administrator.
As part of P.S. 380’s school uniform policy, students may wear navy blue sweaters in class. No colored
sweatshirts/jackets may be worn. Please carefully review the dress code guidelines below:
• Navy blue pants
• Navy blue skirt (should hang no shorter than one inch above the knee)
• Navy blue jumper (should hang no shorter than one inch above the knee)
• Blue uniform shorts (should hang no shorter than one inch above the knee)
• White shirt (long or short-sleeve blouse/button down or polo)
• Red tie (for Assembly)
• Navy blue sweater (No colored or hooded sweatshirts/jackets)
• Rubber-soled flat shoes
Gym Uniforms
• Navy blue sweatpants
• Navy blue gym T-shirt with P.S. 380 emblem or any P.S. 380 school spirit T-shirt
• Sneakers--*Students will not be permitted to participate in gym without sneakers.
Your cooperation and support in this matter will continue to foster school unity and pride.

The first day of school for students is Thursday, September 5, 2024.
Our school hours and arrival and dismissal procedures are as follows:
• We have a breakfast program available for students in Grades K-5 from 7:30
am – 7:50 am every morning. Your child may enter the school through the
Auditorium entrance on Middleton Street at 7:30 am if you would like them to eat
breakfast in school. Both 3-K & Pre-K students will eat breakfast in their classrooms
when they arrive at 7:50 am.
• All students will report to school at 8:00 am. Students in Grades K-5 will enter
the school in the morning through the Auditorium entrance (on Middleton Street).
Students in 3K and Pre-K will enter the school in the morning through Exit 4 (on
Middleton Street).
• All students will be dismissed at 2:10 pm (doors will close at 2:20 pm). They will
be dismissed through the designated exit for their grade:
Kindergarten – Exit 1 (Main entrance on Marcy Avenue)
Grade 1, 3K & Pre-K – Exit 4 (Middleton Street)
Grade 2, H319, 419, 429, 439, 449, 459 – Exit 2 (Middleton Street)
Grades 3, 4, 5 – Exit 5 (Near back schoolyard)
We are so excited for the upcoming school year and are looking forward to meeting you and your
child on September 5, 2024.