Inclement weather Temporary Remote instruction
In the event that we must transition to temporary remote learning, here are some helpful links. The icons below will enable you to find Google Classroom or to join a Google Meet.

Google Classroom
All students are linked to their teachers' Google Classroom page. In order to access all of the instructional tools needed, students must log in using their school account, @nycstudents.net. Make sure to have your child submit attendance each day and participate in Google Classroom activities.
Should you get lost or need some guidance, use the Google Classroom icon in the section above (or click here) to access the P.S.380 Parents Page. Here a dedicated staff member can direct you to meeting links, assist with login issues, and answer any questions you may have.
Accessing Digital Resources
To access digital curriculum materials, login to TeachHub using your @nycstudents.net account. Here you will find resources for Into Reading & Into Math. You will also be able to access the citywide digital library (Sora) and the Clever Portal.

About Us
TeachHub is a portal that provides quick links to apps for learning, including:
Google Classroom
HMH, Clever, Sora,
And more!
Students must sign in with their DOE Student Accounts. Once signed in they can access all other apps without signing in again.
Steps to log in to TeachHub
You will see the NYCDOE login page.
Enter your username.
Enter your password.
Click on Sign in
You are now in TeachHub!
Steps to log into your Google Classroom.
Sign in to Teachhub (https://teachhub.schools.nyc/) with your DOE username and password.
Once in TeachHub, go to the Search in the top right corner. Then type Google Classroom in the search bar.*
Click on Google Classroom.
Once in Google Classroom, you will need to accept the invite to your class. This will only be the first time you sign in.
*After your first log in, the Google Classroom app will be on your homepage. You can then click on the heart to make it a favorite so it will always be there when you sign on.
Please check back for updated contact information, which will allow you to connect with our office staff in the event our building is closed for Remote Instruction.
To reach our Parent Coordinator by phone, call 347-460-5360. (Please only use this number if we are remote.)